Wednesday, July 22, 2009

needing life to slow down

I sure wish life would slow down so we could enjoy it more. Lets see where to start. Jash got hurt at his last race and we ended up spending a whole night in the ER so he could get stitches, which is now known for the bragging rights for Jash. It so must be a boy thing.. But because of the nights events I had to call the garage sale off for lack of sleep.
Kenzie and I learned she aced her Taks tests with high scores by only missing one question. I'm so very proud of her. Saturday night Jimmy and I along with several friends went and watched the shark fights. I have to say that was sure an eventful evening, lol ;)
Last night Kenzie and I went to the cemetery to clean up flowers not only for John but we walk around and if someone Else's have blown over we put them back for them. It really makes us feel good. Then we headed to Camp Alfie. Camp Alfie is a camp for Children who have had Cancer. Every year we go and we cook for the kids and then give them Jeep rides. I had the same little boy from last year wanting to ride with me. He asked if I remembered him and of course I said yes and I really did too. I was really excited that Jordan rode with me this year, she is a little girl from kenzie's school who has had the same Leukemia has John. Matter of fact I have talked about her in my blogs before, Her mother passed away last May to cancer then little Jordan was diagnosed two months later. Her family has really touched my heart..
I would like to volunteer more for activities like this one.,
Maybe because the CANCER ones are so close to home for me and heavy on my heart.
Which brings me to needing my prayer warriors again. My dear friend Mikka is still not doing very well she fears she may never get to remission again. She told me she is just learning to live with the fact she may not be here much longer. please pray for her. Her and Lance together have six children. oh yes six. I always laugh and say your the Brady bunch except they only have one girl. Mikka told me John would be proud of me, see John also knew he would be leaving us behind and told us to move on and be happy, and let me tell you its not as easy has it may seem. John meant the world to me and often I wish it would have been me. I miss him every day. I'm still fighting my depression and some days are great and other are just bad. Maybe because I have found my self in a relationship. I have not dated since the age of 17 when I met John and Married at 18. Now there are kids involved . It's just a scary thing to me. I dont want to be hurt and I sure don't want my kids hurt. None of us deserve that. But I have let my shield down. So it's in Gods hands.
My second prayer is for Sheila Larson, they have moved her to hospice please pray for her and her family along with all her many friends who love her.
Pray for healing...
It's a beautiful day today the high is only 78 woo hoo. I think I'm going to clean up around the house then go for a Run.. Have a blessed week everyone. Don't forget to tell your loved ones you love them

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