Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas tree blues

It's the week of Thanksgiving, Just in four days family's will be together having turkeys, watching the Dallas Cowboys play football and spending time together all I can think of is what comes next Christmas.
By now lights should be hung on the house and I have notice them going up all over town. I talked to the kids this morning and they said not having lights on the house was ok with them as long as there was a Christmas tree in the house. Every book I have read has said the worst times of the year after a loss of a loved one is Christmas,birthdays, Anniversary's and the year mark of the death. Wow no kidding I'm getting hit with three all in one. Johns birthday is December 16th and then there's Christmas and five days later the year mark of John going to Heaven. The last time I saw John we had our Christmas stuff up. To be honest it's scaring me to even think about looking at our Christmas items. I have always waited to put away our Christmas till after the new year. For some odd reason I put away the Christmas tree in the family room early last year. John was at work that Friday and I had just got everything in the living room put away. John went into the Hospital Saturday Morning and passed away Sunday morning. I have looked back and thought maybe God helped me by telling me to put away the tree early. I have prayed a lot the last few weeks. I really hate being so depressed. I know John is up there telling me to go and enjoy the holiday. Wished it was so simple. I told the kids we would put the tree up this week. Please pray for us. I hate the fact the kids have to see me have a total break down every time I get sad. Jash and Kenzie are so strong wished I could be more like them. They amaze me daily. I'm so very proud to have two wonderful kids. John and I were so blessed when God gave us those two. Please just pray that putting up our tree will be special and we can just look back at all the Christmas's that we had shared. Then again you can just bring me spiked eggnog .


Natalie Lowe said...

Father God, I pray for Renea and Jash and Kenzie. I pray Lord that you will surround them with such peace this holiday season Father that they will be blown away by it. I pray that putting up their tree will be special and therapeutic for them. That it will be a sweet sweet time of remembrance, fun, joy, and thankfulness. I pray that they will know without a doubt that you are looking down at them and holding them through this time. I pray that you get them through this month of December and as they start a new year it will be a year of new hope. Father, give Renea a supernatural dose of your strength and power. Help her to know how high and deep and wide and long your love is.Carry her through these tough waters, and help her to the other side. In Jesus Name I pray, amen. Isaiah 43:2 "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you."

Stephanie Betts said...

Praying for you and the kids right now......You are so special, and I am blessed each time I read your blogs. God is working through you even when you don't realize it. Not fun for you I'm sure, but just know that others see Jesus through your words. I know John was proud to call you his wife, and I'm certain that Kenz & Josh are so proud to call you "mommy".