Sunday, January 25, 2009

Good weekend.

This was a very relaxing weekend. I got nothing done though. NOTHING!! I did make cookies with the kids, watch movies with the kids. You know the chores aren't going any where but the kids will. Not today or tomorrow but in a few years they will be going to College. wow. That makes me sad.
So for today I will try to spend time with them. I tried to figure out which pictures to take to Grief Share tomorrow night and finsh up my homework for class. It's not hard just supose to help me under stand my grief.
Or how to help me grief. I have been through different stages of grief and I think I have gone through some stages more than once. I'm trying to set my goals. One goal is to get things out for someone else. I'm thinking if I can do it quickly like pulling off a bandaid I can get it over with. But some things are harder then they may seem to others. But we will see. But the weekend is over and it turned out pretty good. kids had sleep overs and Jash went to one. I was able to sit and talk with them. I'm one lucky mom to have such wonderful kids. God sure did know what he was doing by giving me John. and giving us two beautiful children. I missed John a lot this weekend. I could hear him saying told you so over some other things that happened this weekend and He would have loved the big breakfast I cooked today but instead of a movie we would have watched Spike Tv, then a movie. I miss so many things but sitting here remebering those things put a smile on my face.
I was so blessed. I know there is going to be many more blessings in my life.
Tonight I'm thanking God for the time we spent together. ( I miss you)
Tomorrow is going to be huge Jash goes to the ortho appointment and the are removing the thing in his mouth that as been moving his jaw for the last two years. He is so excited YEA!!!!

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